Money and children after a divorce

Divorce is unpleasant and traumatic experience for couples. It becomes difficult and complicated for married couples to overcome it if children are involved as both parents hold on to their child’s liability. Child maintenance complications can increase the pain of divorce, so be prepared by knowing about the law. For divorcing couples who don't have children, breaking up is relatively undemanding. You divvy up the assets between the two of you, and get on with the rest of your lives. Divorce with children is much more complex, and the younger they are, the trickier it is. Maintenance costs Child maintenance can be paid to the father or the mother, depending on who is looking after the children. Whoever pays the money is known as the "non-resident parent" in legal terms. In most cases, that is the ex-husband or father. The family home A key priority is making sure that children continue to have a roof over their heads. Negotiations The government want...