When to go for mediation

Mediation is an alternative method for resolving disputes without resorting to the courts. It is a structured, voluntary and interactive negotiation process where a neutral third-party uses specialized communication and negotiation techniques to help the parties in fulfilling their stated objectives. Mediation is not a cure-all for every problem you may have. However, your lawyer must understand which cases are suited for mediation and which are not. For example, if you are not getting the information and disclosure you need from the other party, your case might be better served in court. On the other hand, if both parties are motivated to reach an agreement in a respectful and amicable manner, mediation can be beneficial. At Jutras Legal and Mediation Inc. we provide our clients with an unbiased mediation process. We will help you to reach the settlement and agreement which is fairest and in the best interests of your situation. Contact our office to lear...